Результаты поиска по запросу: brotherhood

  1. Даниил Андреев

    XII. Chapter 2. The Outer Measures

    ...face a dilemma: either the global Federation will continue to exist as such, or the universal state, while being transformed into the Brotherhood, will first have to take the form of a cosmopolitan monolith. What is meant here by “cosmopolitan”: while the ethnographic and cultural...
  2. Даниил Андреев

    XII. Chapter 2. The Outer Measures

    ...touched upon the problem of forming the human being of the ennobled image and the related problems of transformation of the state into a brotherhood, and of the planet – into a garden, I have temporarily left aside another formidable problematic: the outer social-political, economic, and...
  3. Даниил Андреев

    XII. Chapter 1. Formation of the Human Being of the Ennobled Image

    ...a number of humanities workers that could be described with no other epithet than “grandiose”. Transformation of the global state into a brotherhood is not feasible with outward means alone. Some of those means as the chief prerequisites for such a transformation will be touched upon in the...
  4. Даниил Андреев

    XII. Chapter 1. Formation of the Human Being of the Ennobled Image

    ...efforts of all light-oriented teachings; the transformation of the planet into a garden and the Global Federation of States – into the Brotherhood. Among these tasks, there is one, which the Rose of the World can embark upon long before its rise to prominence. The reason being: laying the...
  5. Даниил Андреев

    XI. Chapter 4. On the Metahistory of Our Days

    ...in it. Finally, it would be a luxury to rest assured that the book would become a block in the foundation of the coming all-human Brotherhood… Yet, such a confidence is impossible. There remains the only unshakeable base for all hopes to rise: if the world happens to avoid the greatest war...
  6. Даниил Андреев

    XI. Chapter 1. The Enthronement of the Third Zhrugr

    ...the closeness of the one, whose liberation would enable the Russian people to realize their metahistorical mission, to arrive at global brotherhood. Their consciousness could not contain this resplendent vision. Yet, for several days all the fibers of their being were filled with...
  7. Даниил Андреев

    X. Chapter 2. Missions and Destinies

    ...from the mysterious bosom of Russia, which would have preempted those times when, out of the very bosom, the flower of planetwide brotherhood – the Rose of the World nurtured by messengers, geniuses, saints, and prophets – would sprout. Lermontov’s death, of course, did not send a single...
  8. Даниил Андреев

    X. Chapter 2. Missions and Destinies

    ...means, it will preempt the ultimate rather than merely palliative transformation of the state’s very essence into an international brotherhood. Apparently, it was clear to the demiurgic wisdom as early as in the seventeenth century – human religious wisdom came to terms with this much later...
  9. Даниил Андреев

    X. Chapter 1. The Gift of Messagery

    ...French Revolution. In keeping with the name of this chapter, I will merely indicate that the civic ideals of “freedom, equality, and brotherhood”, that is, “human rights” which began their triumphant march across the whole globe were an attempt of the demiurge of Roman-Catholic metaculture...
  10. Даниил Андреев

    IX. Chapter 3. Withdrawal of the Sanction

    ...cannot be surprised with all this. If one feels, despite whatsoever human blinders, into Yarosvet’s goals of transforming humanity into a brotherhood, this being his or her most cherished yearning, would it appear odd or psychologically unfounded that the first, approximated reflection of...
  11. Даниил Андреев

    IX. Chapter 2. The Second Witzraor and the Homeland Space

    ...happen. If what I have described in the preceding chapters about the interreligion, interculture, and transformation of the state into a brotherhood is properly understood, there could be made a rather rueful conclusion: that the spectacle of the suprapeople, having been called out of...
  12. Михаил123

    Перевод книги «Роза Мира» на английский язык

    Кажется что слово «brotherhood» эквивалентно слову «братство»: https://context.reverso.net/перевод/английский-русский/brotherhood?utm_source=reversoweb&utm_medium=contextresults&utm_campaign=resultpage https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/brotherhood И Роджерс использует его в переводе многократно...
  13. Даниил Андреев

    VIII. Chapter 1. Succession of Witzraors

    ...and is now compelled to start anew its creative ascension in the uncharted times, spaces, and forms). Roads to the future worldwide brotherhood were wrapped in unfathomable darkness. But to avert the impending doom of the suprapeople, to secure its further physical existence, there was only...
  14. Даниил Андреев

    VII. Chapter 1. Kievan Rus' as a Metahystorical Phenomenon

    ...of demiurges. 9. The ideal societal organization: the abolition of statehood; transformation of the state system of humanity into brotherhood; the ideal organization of society as the only vessel for the etheric expression of Eternal Femininity being brought into the world by the...
  15. Даниил Андреев

    VII. Chapter 1. Kievan Rus' as a Metahystorical Phenomenon

    ...other cultures, for only a social-political unison of the entire humanity would see its gradual transformation into a single, planetwide brotherhood. The hour of Navna’s descent into the four-dimensional plane arrived somewhat earlier when Yarosvet was still absorbing the creative emanations...
  16. Даниил Андреев

    I. Chapter 1. The Rose of the World and its Foremost Tasks

    ...tyrannies will seem like child's play? It is worth noting that the same religious faiths that proclaimed the internationalist ideals of brotherhood earliest are now in the rearguard of humanity's push toward global unity. It is possible to attribute this to their characteristic emphasis on...
  17. Vyasa

    Перевод книги «Роза Мира» на английский язык

    ...of other cultures for only a social-political unison of the entire humanity would see its gradual transformation into a single planetwide brotherhood. The hour of Navna’s descent into the four-dimensional plane arrived somewhat earlier, at the time when Yarosvet was still absorbing the...
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