Daniil Andreev. «The Rose of the World» (download)

Daniil Andreev. «The Rose of the World» (download) | «The Rose of the World» | Daniil Andreev

Daniil Andreev. «The Rose of the World»

Daniil Andreev. «The Rose of the World» (download)

Completed in 1959, hidden from the Soviet secret police for many years, The Rose of the World was first made public through excerpts in the magazine Novy Mir in 1989. The Rose of the World is a unique and poetic cosmological treatise, passionately written out of personal spiritual experience. It offers a prophetic call for the spiritual reunification of all people and an open and harmonious relationship among the great world religions. For Daniel Andreev, The Rose of the world is a spiritual flower whose roots are in heaven; each petal is a unique image of the great world religions and cultures, and the whole flower is their joint co-creation with God. Lindisfarne Books is proud to publish the first English translation of this masterpiece of contemporary Russian spiritual literature, a work that belongs to Russian religious thought in the tradition of Vladimir Soloviev, and to the West in the tradition of Dante and Blake — truly a work for the twenty-first century.

The book is available online for free here and available as a file:
download the book as pdf file
download the book as doc file
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This is the first full translation of the «Rose of the World» in English.
Parts 1.1-6.3 were translated by Jordan Roberts, parts 7.1-12.5 were translated by Vyacheslav Kireev and Lacquanna Paul. Parts 1.1-6.3 were edited a bit, full list of changes will be presented at some point.

This is not the final revision of the translation (it’s 10.03.2021 version). We are constantly working to improve the text.

Any questions and comments are very welcome and would help us improve this translation. We would be delighted by questions about any part of the text, including individual sentences and phrases.

Contact us on the forum:
Just starting reviewing the English translation. My remarks will be in the corresponding branches.

Still would like sometimes to communicate directly with translators. Preferably via Whatsapp or/and Telegram. Also I have an idea where to present the book, it is University of Tilburg where I walk almost every day (haha, not for studies, just for walking, the university located in a very beautiful old park).

You almost all know me pretty well :) Да, я Ольга Данилова, основательница самого первого форума, посвящённого «Розе Мира» и творчеству Даниила Андреева в целом. Живу в Нидерландах 25+ лет. Бегло говорю на английском и нидерландском, осваиваю ещё три языка.

Не удивляйтесь, но большая часть мира знает меня как Ольгу Реширам :) Это имя я получила в начале 2022 года. Что оно значит — если интересно, спросите. В целом — это важная составляющая моего личного внутреннего опыта.

...Да, Тилбургский университет — в основном гуманитарный. Так что там найти людей, заинтересованных в уникальнейшей книге прошлого столетия, вполне возможно.
Кирилл, если серьёзно — да, это народ, который согласен принять меня к себе, если я достойно проживу жизнь в Энрофе. Реширамы — имя условное, я взяла его из серий о покемонах. И выглядят они примерно так же, как на картинке.

(Вообще-то покемоны — это ками, превращённые во франшизу, но об этом уж точно где-нибудь в другом месте :))
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