XII. Chapter 4. The Prince of the Darkness
Much of what I see is apprehended with the help of all kinds of inner sight, be it imagination, artistic creativity, or spiritual forefeeling. Certain things I apprehend with a sight that sees what is bound to happen. Yet, all that I see ahead is what I yearn for. More often than not, perhaps, I pull imperceptible switches by taking the desired for what is to objectively materialize.
Such switches can no longer be pulled once the gaze becomes riveted to the impending thick of time, discerning there something detestable and horrifying instead of the longed-for and exhilarating.
Isn’t it strange that the Rose of the World, despite its long reign over humanity, will fail to prevent the prince of darkness from coming? Fail it will, to everybody’s greatest sorrow. Fail it will, even though the Rose of the World will hurl all effort into postponing his advent such that the maximum number of human minds and hearts would be seasoned for coming to grips with him.
Provided that a host of historical dilemmas have been solved favorably, the Rose of the World will indeed create conditions for the Golden Age on the Earth. It will eliminate state and social violence. It will do away with all exploitation whatsoever. It will salve the predatory principle in humans. It will soften the mores of peoples in line with what the prophetic dreams of light-filled dreamers of the past had intimated. It will reveal to people a plethora of knowledge of other worlds and the paths of ascension of Enrof. It will elevate certain animal species to the point of speech acquisition and intelligent-creative existence. By way of unflaggingly warning about the imminent prince of darkness, the Rose of the World will snatch from him myriads of would-be captives of the most gruesome expiatory cycle. Its grandiose Synclite – Arimoya – will transform some of the purgatories into the worlds of spiritual healing. Yet, some intractable contradictions will still remain: they are unsolvable until humanity will have undergone, as Dostoevsky put it, a spiritual transformation.
Such contradictions can be mitigated, smoothed, temporarily blanketed, but cannot be eradicated, for their root lies in the yetzerhara which, since the fall of Lilith, is inherent to all living beings of Enrof, except to those that have burned it away while becoming enlightened. The chief contradiction here psychologically manifests in human beings as the craving for power, as well as in the complex, dual, and conflicting structure of their sexual sphere.
Acting now apart, then together, these impulses create a gravitation toward evil, which nearly all human beings have a disposition for, and make one succumb to the charm of evil in its various guises, at times to the evil at its purest that does not even attempt to mask itself with any semblances of Good.
One is to envision the atmosphere of harmonious quietude that will have reigned supreme on the planet by the seventh or eighth pontificate of the Rose of the World. Only from books and works of art will those generations know about the despotism of states, about wars, revolutions, hunger, poverty, and epidemics. Unadulterated with social struggle, their energy will be channeled to spiritual and physical self-mastery, to stilling the hunger for knowledge and creativity, and to an incomparably enriched, sophisticated, and diversified personal life.
As far as I can discern – however much this surprises me – there will be no permanent capital of the world, that is, a city wherein supreme guides and the Upper Council of the Rose of the World are going to be based. It seems that, with every new pontificate, the capital of the world will be relocated to the country, which has nominated the then supreme precept. In any event, Delhi and Moscow will become a capital twice each. Apparently, the last above-ground residence of the supreme guides – when the antichrist will have assumed actual leadership of the world, and the One Church of humanity will have begun to retreat into the catacombs – is going to be Tokyo.
Yet, however much the roots of material jealousy will be undermined by universal prosperity, the roots of spiritual jealousy will remain intact, for varied degrees and kinds of giftedness will propel some into leading positions while casting others into the roles of those being led. With the epochs changing one after another, the outlines of intelligentsia will coincide with those of humanity. Yet, intelligentsia will not be consolidated, whereas producers of material goods will no longer see themselves as the salt of the earth. Problems of material wellbeing and comfort, technological and economic problems will lose their prominence. A dull discontent will start haunting those viewing themselves as producers of material valuables; their psychological and mental organization would make them gravitate into working in the field of industrial technologies, economy, agronomy, precise sciences, and innovations. Technical intelligentsia will not content itself with the supplementary role it will be playing under the fifth, sixth, or seventh pontificate, for leading positions will be taken up by those working on the problems of ethical, aesthetical, transphysical, metahistorical, zoo-formative, and religious nature. Precisely this dull discontent and jealousy of status will prove to be one of the social-psychological antecedents for a movement which the antigod, having appeared as a human being, will take advantage of.
Should the Rose of the World ascend to the ethical control of the global political power, around twenty-six supreme pontificates, if I am not mistaken, will have passed between this moment and the change of eons. Yet, the reign of the Rose of the World will see no more than seven or eight of them, at most – nine. The rest will be passing during the antichrist’s rule and the subsequent period of historical cataclysms. The last several pontificates will be very brief, and the death of their precepts will be agonizing, for the master of the world will look into ways of cutting short their life journeys. Numbering among the supreme precepts, which are going to succeed each other, will be Russians and Indians, the Chinese and natives of different countries of America, a German and an Abyssinian, a Spaniard and a Malaysian, a Britisher and an Arab. Yet, none of them will betray the Divine cause. The last of the supreme precepts, the one to witness the change of eons, will come from a North-Asian people that, at present, has barely a touch of civilization.
I discern more or less clearly two individuals in this gallery of planetary guides. By all appearances, one of them is destined to become the supreme precept right after the referendum that will turn the global Federation into a monolith. Shaping up before my eyes is a personality of a tremendous spiritual stature. Wisdom and otherworldly calm emanating from this man, the dazzling grandeur of his destiny and soul would prompt one of an image of Gautama Buddha that has been crowned and amalgamated in the dignity of Nirvana with supreme authority over humanity. His appearance is suggestive of his Chinese origin.
One of his most immediate successors will be another spiritual giant. Standing out in the garland of his past lives is a far-off link to when he had walked the earth as a rather famous ruler of the Hohenstaufen Empire. And this time, too, he is going to incarnate amid those very people, in Germany. Under him, the unification of Christian churches and of all religions of the right hand in a free coalition will come to pass.
Many a time, I have pointed out how the interruption of Christ’s mission had caught up to the deficiency of medieval Christianity, and how the psychological climate in the West – the outcome of this deficiency – had shaped the subsequent anti-movements: the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Revolution, materialistic science, and demonized technologies – a meteoric flight of the Red Horseman of the Apocalypse. Under the White Horseman, every endeavor will be made to liberate science and technology from the grip of demonizing principles. They will attempt to conjugate science and technology with transphysical knowledge and ethics, forcing them to work for the benefit of all, and harmonizing, as much as possible, the relationship between civilization and nature. Yet, the specificity of technology, that is, its rationality, utilitarian nature, and earthliness, is not going to be overcome through putting it to more sublime tasks and enforcing ethical control alone. Its inherent lack of spirituality and utilitarian nature will remain for as long as precisely these characteristics of technology will be taken advantage of by the antigod, who is going to incarnate. Technological progress spawned forth by the era of secularism will remain an essentially intractable problem and, just like a phlegmon developing in a human body, will burst at the turn of the antichrist’s reign.
The thirst for power and the thirst for blood lurk deep inside many souls. Unsatisfied under the conditions of social harmony, they will push some into inventing doctrines advocating social and cultural changes for those unquenched passions to flourish in the years to come. Meanwhile, others will be ridden with boredom. Unlike just being a casual visitor, this feeling will become a true host in their spiritual abode, and, devoid of the thrill of collisions, social life will seem vapid to them. After reading books full of adventures, ruffle, crimes, and passions, such ready-for-any-escapade souls will grow wistful, exasperated, and jealous. Apart from these individuals, humanity will show yet another layer: the more satisfying, the more prosperous existence of some people, the more they will feel annoyed with the manacles of morality, religion, tradition, social mores, and archaic shame binding their sexuality.
Since the time of the clan system, the instinct of moral-social self-preservation has kept a tight rein on the overbearing sexuality. Yet, this rein would barely last for too long if it were only about individual human inner efforts, if it were not for social coercion in the form of social and state laws. The robust instinct of self-preservation has it that removing all taboos from sexuality to manifest indiscriminately is fraught with destruction of family, sexual perversions, weakening of willpower, moral degradation of generations, and, ultimately, the all-out degeneration, both physical and spiritual. However much strong, the instinct of moral-social self-preservation cannot yet safeguard society from this danger without the help of state laws, judiciary norms, and conventional decorum. True, robust instinct is strong; yet, when sexual freedom goes unleashed, more often than not the latter proves to be more powerful. One should not be afraid of the truth – one is to admit that this centrifugal instinct is inherent, in more or less degree, in the majority of people. Despite being suppressed with inner checks and balances as well as outward coercion, despite slumber, it, nonetheless, exists. Oh, the human sexual sphere is primed with an explosive substance of tremendous force! The centripetal instinct of moral-social self-preservation is attracting, soldering elements of the personal life of each and every one of us: owing to this, the personal life of an average human being makes a system of sorts, a basic order not unlike nucleons making up a tightly-knit nucleus of the atom in the microworld. Yet, should a convincing and charming teaching lull to sleep the human fear of unleashing the instinct of absolute sexual freedom, an unparalleled moral catastrophe would ensue. Freeing up the centrifugal energy locked inside this instinct will trigger such a chain reaction, which would cause a tremendous social-psychological revolution comparable, in technocratic terms, to the release of nuclear energy.
I am afraid that what I am talking about will remain unintelligible to and be taken with hostility by many. Underestimation of the sexual sphere’s significance has become entrenched in our society. All the more, the thought of a danger lurking precisely in this sphere would seem too far-fetched. I can easily imagine the indignation of a well-meaning reader with such a prediction of mine, and how promptly it will be dismissed as a shallow fantasy coming from the muddied sexual sphere of the author himself rather than from that of humanity. Ah, would that it be true! There is no doubt that Duggur’s temptations remain, by and large, beyond the compass of the majority’s consciousness. The minority, albeit clueless of its transphysical source and afraid of admitting these temptations even to themselves, nonetheless, is dimly aware of them. It would be too naïve to expect people to allow such things out in the open. Only a miniscule number of people are well aware of those temptations and, unlike holding them deep inside, are ready to indulge in them at the earliest opportunity. Yet, the currently timid majority in this regard will come out swinging as soon as the more heavyweight authorities – scientific, social, and religio-political – have proclaimed the need for ultimate sexual freedom and everyone’s indispensable right to it, along with taking all measures to condone, pander to, and protect it.
Hundreds and thousands will lust for power. As for sexual freedom, it will also be lusted after by millions upon millions.
To be liberated from the manacles of the Good – this is going to be the mood of many by the end of the Golden Age: at first surreptitious, then increasingly blatant and outspoken. Humanity will grow tired of spiritual light. It will be emaciated from aspiring ever higher. It will get sick and tired of virtue. Peaceful social freedom, any kinds of freedom will cloy except in two spheres: sexuality and violence against others. The setting sun will be still lingering as a crimson glitter on mysterials and temples of the Sun of the World, on pantheons’ domes, and on shrines to the elementals with their ledged reservoirs and terraces. Yet, the blue-grey dusk of debauchery, the grey haze of boredom will have begun to envelope the lowlands. In this power vacuum, boredom and lust for dark passions will sweep across half of humanity. And it will long for an individual who will offer more than others and demand obedience in exchange for the unchecked freedom in one sphere – any form and kind of sensual pleasure.
The Rose of the World itself will consist not only of saints but also of people standing at varying levels of moral development. From the very onset, the tasks of the global church will have such tremendous outlines, they will be so encompassing and numerous that it would be unfeasible to limit the active membership of the Rose of the World only to morally impeccable and highly-principled ones. It goes without saying that the severity of the probation will still remain a mandatory step, yet it is far from being a panacea. As with any community of people, albeit grounded in the loftiest ideas, it is prone to being infiltrated with those carrying along the thirst for domineering, vanity, excessive attachment to comforts, intolerance, and roughness with others. A hazy egregor will be enveloping the Rose of the World, just as it did with the churches of the past. The deepened mystical awareness of its leaders will preclude this egregor from swelling up into a thick fume, thus from screening Arimoya. But its total elimination is impossible, of course. Therefore, it is only natural that even the Supreme Council will have some individuals in its ranks falling for the prince of darkness’ temptations, while its lower levels will see a significant rise of such individuals over time.
Under conditions of vast ideological freedom, first stealthily, then openly the religion of the left hand will gain momentum. It will grow as a poisonous flower out of the longing for a dark liberator from the Good’s manacles, and it will come down to worshiping Gagtungr as some sort of Prometheus, an eternal mutineer, a fighter for the “true” freedom of all. As for the aim of this quasi-religion, it is going to ready people for making obeisance to the coming anti-Logos.
Oh, humanity will have no shortage of warnings. Hadn’t the Gospel, even the Koran, even the Mahabharata warned about this long ago? Was there any lack of visionaries, as in the West, so in the East, refraining about the inevitable coming of the antichrist? All pontificates of the Rose of the World, from the time of the unification of religions down to the emergence of this monstrous creature in the historical arena, will be hurling their effort into those admonishments. Yet, given virtually unrestricted ideological and cultural freedom, they will wield no other weapon but words. Under the pressure from radical left circles of society, the remaining bans, howsoever restricting freedom of speech, those prohibiting the breaching of the norms of social decorum and profanity, will be ultimately lifted. Precisely this will open the floodgates to human hearts for the precursors of the great spawn of darkness.
There will be no lack of such precursors. Yet, the greatest of them is going to be the founder of such a cultural-historical and social-ethical doctrine which will focus attention on the following: despite having a great many freedoms, humanity would remain a slave to sexual restrictions, a slave to false shame, prejudices, and old-fashioned mores – the mores endorsed by the Rose of the World, so too by the entirety of the “outdated” social ways. It appears to me that the book by this thinker will be the very “Open Path”, about which Vladimir Solovyov said to have been penned by the antichrist himself. No: a brilliant, the most charming and wittiest of Frenchmen, this precursor will be an icon of his generation. Hardly will this bearer of a dark mission realize whom he serves and paves the way for. Despite all his intellectual genius, his mystical mind will be shut tight. So, when the long-awaited liberator appears, the French thinker will be so much astounded with his superhuman grandeur that he will exclaim gleefully and exultantly: “Here’s the one whom the world is waiting for, whom I have been talking about all along!” – Only much later, when the incomer has reached the fullness of his power and showed his true colors, his precursor will commit suicide. True, he will be a genius thinker. Yet, the one for whom he is going to blaze the trail, will view him just as an underling. The one, for whom the trail will be blazed, will see all ever-existing inhabitants of Enrof, save Jesus, as his underlings.
Will he be a human?
Yes and no.
As has already been said many times, from century to century, from life to life, layers of demonic materiality – the dark shelt, astral and etheric bodies – had been enveloping the monad of a Roman emperor that had been stolen by Gagtungr from Iroln itself. Precisely this demonic materiality, agga that is, rather than siara – the building material, of which all the inhabitants of Enrof and beings of the ascending range are weaved – make them up. In this book, we have already dwelt on his last incarnation in Russia and how the Providential forces frustrated Urparp’s schemes on turning him into a universal dark genius. Yet, intercepting the gifts of a dark genius from this being twice is impossible – now, Urparp has learned how to shield his ward from adversarial transphysical operations. He will not let it into Enrof until he has ensured it can make full use of all the gifts requisite for carrying out its historical mission of the antichrist. The genius giftedness of Stalin, when it comes to the tyrannizing and his ability to hypnotize the human will into subjugation, was just a fraction of the achievements that had been made in Gashsharva in working upon his being, something that was interrupted by the forces of the Light. After his death in Enrof and reinstatement in Gashsharva, this work was resumed and gained new momentum. Having undergone the last stages of the preparation in Digm, the unheard-of being will come close to its last, fateful birth in the epoch of the seventh or eighth pontificate.
It seems that the place of its birth will be a Latin American country; yet, the birth itself is promising to be totally out of the ordinary. Forced into assuming a human appearance in order to become its mother, Lilith, as willed by Urparp, will assume such an appearance without taking birth: she will need neither father, nor mother, nor childhood. Her appearance as a ripe woman will be a dark miracle. Obvious violations of nature’s laws, preternatural connections with dreadful otherworldly beings, wizardly stories and legends will surround her brief earthly life. Having conceived the physical body of the coming anti-Logos from the powers of Gagtungr himself rather than from human semen, she will soon disappear from Enrof, for her mission will have been accomplished. Although Lilith will make her appearance in humanity once again, her mission and her female human form will be altogether different then, and so too her appearance, albeit as mysterious as the previous one.
The physical body of the anti-Logos will be made of siara, just like all human bodies.
Such switches can no longer be pulled once the gaze becomes riveted to the impending thick of time, discerning there something detestable and horrifying instead of the longed-for and exhilarating.
Isn’t it strange that the Rose of the World, despite its long reign over humanity, will fail to prevent the prince of darkness from coming? Fail it will, to everybody’s greatest sorrow. Fail it will, even though the Rose of the World will hurl all effort into postponing his advent such that the maximum number of human minds and hearts would be seasoned for coming to grips with him.
Provided that a host of historical dilemmas have been solved favorably, the Rose of the World will indeed create conditions for the Golden Age on the Earth. It will eliminate state and social violence. It will do away with all exploitation whatsoever. It will salve the predatory principle in humans. It will soften the mores of peoples in line with what the prophetic dreams of light-filled dreamers of the past had intimated. It will reveal to people a plethora of knowledge of other worlds and the paths of ascension of Enrof. It will elevate certain animal species to the point of speech acquisition and intelligent-creative existence. By way of unflaggingly warning about the imminent prince of darkness, the Rose of the World will snatch from him myriads of would-be captives of the most gruesome expiatory cycle. Its grandiose Synclite – Arimoya – will transform some of the purgatories into the worlds of spiritual healing. Yet, some intractable contradictions will still remain: they are unsolvable until humanity will have undergone, as Dostoevsky put it, a spiritual transformation.
Such contradictions can be mitigated, smoothed, temporarily blanketed, but cannot be eradicated, for their root lies in the yetzerhara which, since the fall of Lilith, is inherent to all living beings of Enrof, except to those that have burned it away while becoming enlightened. The chief contradiction here psychologically manifests in human beings as the craving for power, as well as in the complex, dual, and conflicting structure of their sexual sphere.
Acting now apart, then together, these impulses create a gravitation toward evil, which nearly all human beings have a disposition for, and make one succumb to the charm of evil in its various guises, at times to the evil at its purest that does not even attempt to mask itself with any semblances of Good.
One is to envision the atmosphere of harmonious quietude that will have reigned supreme on the planet by the seventh or eighth pontificate of the Rose of the World. Only from books and works of art will those generations know about the despotism of states, about wars, revolutions, hunger, poverty, and epidemics. Unadulterated with social struggle, their energy will be channeled to spiritual and physical self-mastery, to stilling the hunger for knowledge and creativity, and to an incomparably enriched, sophisticated, and diversified personal life.
As far as I can discern – however much this surprises me – there will be no permanent capital of the world, that is, a city wherein supreme guides and the Upper Council of the Rose of the World are going to be based. It seems that, with every new pontificate, the capital of the world will be relocated to the country, which has nominated the then supreme precept. In any event, Delhi and Moscow will become a capital twice each. Apparently, the last above-ground residence of the supreme guides – when the antichrist will have assumed actual leadership of the world, and the One Church of humanity will have begun to retreat into the catacombs – is going to be Tokyo.
Yet, however much the roots of material jealousy will be undermined by universal prosperity, the roots of spiritual jealousy will remain intact, for varied degrees and kinds of giftedness will propel some into leading positions while casting others into the roles of those being led. With the epochs changing one after another, the outlines of intelligentsia will coincide with those of humanity. Yet, intelligentsia will not be consolidated, whereas producers of material goods will no longer see themselves as the salt of the earth. Problems of material wellbeing and comfort, technological and economic problems will lose their prominence. A dull discontent will start haunting those viewing themselves as producers of material valuables; their psychological and mental organization would make them gravitate into working in the field of industrial technologies, economy, agronomy, precise sciences, and innovations. Technical intelligentsia will not content itself with the supplementary role it will be playing under the fifth, sixth, or seventh pontificate, for leading positions will be taken up by those working on the problems of ethical, aesthetical, transphysical, metahistorical, zoo-formative, and religious nature. Precisely this dull discontent and jealousy of status will prove to be one of the social-psychological antecedents for a movement which the antigod, having appeared as a human being, will take advantage of.
Should the Rose of the World ascend to the ethical control of the global political power, around twenty-six supreme pontificates, if I am not mistaken, will have passed between this moment and the change of eons. Yet, the reign of the Rose of the World will see no more than seven or eight of them, at most – nine. The rest will be passing during the antichrist’s rule and the subsequent period of historical cataclysms. The last several pontificates will be very brief, and the death of their precepts will be agonizing, for the master of the world will look into ways of cutting short their life journeys. Numbering among the supreme precepts, which are going to succeed each other, will be Russians and Indians, the Chinese and natives of different countries of America, a German and an Abyssinian, a Spaniard and a Malaysian, a Britisher and an Arab. Yet, none of them will betray the Divine cause. The last of the supreme precepts, the one to witness the change of eons, will come from a North-Asian people that, at present, has barely a touch of civilization.
I discern more or less clearly two individuals in this gallery of planetary guides. By all appearances, one of them is destined to become the supreme precept right after the referendum that will turn the global Federation into a monolith. Shaping up before my eyes is a personality of a tremendous spiritual stature. Wisdom and otherworldly calm emanating from this man, the dazzling grandeur of his destiny and soul would prompt one of an image of Gautama Buddha that has been crowned and amalgamated in the dignity of Nirvana with supreme authority over humanity. His appearance is suggestive of his Chinese origin.
One of his most immediate successors will be another spiritual giant. Standing out in the garland of his past lives is a far-off link to when he had walked the earth as a rather famous ruler of the Hohenstaufen Empire. And this time, too, he is going to incarnate amid those very people, in Germany. Under him, the unification of Christian churches and of all religions of the right hand in a free coalition will come to pass.
Many a time, I have pointed out how the interruption of Christ’s mission had caught up to the deficiency of medieval Christianity, and how the psychological climate in the West – the outcome of this deficiency – had shaped the subsequent anti-movements: the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Revolution, materialistic science, and demonized technologies – a meteoric flight of the Red Horseman of the Apocalypse. Under the White Horseman, every endeavor will be made to liberate science and technology from the grip of demonizing principles. They will attempt to conjugate science and technology with transphysical knowledge and ethics, forcing them to work for the benefit of all, and harmonizing, as much as possible, the relationship between civilization and nature. Yet, the specificity of technology, that is, its rationality, utilitarian nature, and earthliness, is not going to be overcome through putting it to more sublime tasks and enforcing ethical control alone. Its inherent lack of spirituality and utilitarian nature will remain for as long as precisely these characteristics of technology will be taken advantage of by the antigod, who is going to incarnate. Technological progress spawned forth by the era of secularism will remain an essentially intractable problem and, just like a phlegmon developing in a human body, will burst at the turn of the antichrist’s reign.
The thirst for power and the thirst for blood lurk deep inside many souls. Unsatisfied under the conditions of social harmony, they will push some into inventing doctrines advocating social and cultural changes for those unquenched passions to flourish in the years to come. Meanwhile, others will be ridden with boredom. Unlike just being a casual visitor, this feeling will become a true host in their spiritual abode, and, devoid of the thrill of collisions, social life will seem vapid to them. After reading books full of adventures, ruffle, crimes, and passions, such ready-for-any-escapade souls will grow wistful, exasperated, and jealous. Apart from these individuals, humanity will show yet another layer: the more satisfying, the more prosperous existence of some people, the more they will feel annoyed with the manacles of morality, religion, tradition, social mores, and archaic shame binding their sexuality.
Since the time of the clan system, the instinct of moral-social self-preservation has kept a tight rein on the overbearing sexuality. Yet, this rein would barely last for too long if it were only about individual human inner efforts, if it were not for social coercion in the form of social and state laws. The robust instinct of self-preservation has it that removing all taboos from sexuality to manifest indiscriminately is fraught with destruction of family, sexual perversions, weakening of willpower, moral degradation of generations, and, ultimately, the all-out degeneration, both physical and spiritual. However much strong, the instinct of moral-social self-preservation cannot yet safeguard society from this danger without the help of state laws, judiciary norms, and conventional decorum. True, robust instinct is strong; yet, when sexual freedom goes unleashed, more often than not the latter proves to be more powerful. One should not be afraid of the truth – one is to admit that this centrifugal instinct is inherent, in more or less degree, in the majority of people. Despite being suppressed with inner checks and balances as well as outward coercion, despite slumber, it, nonetheless, exists. Oh, the human sexual sphere is primed with an explosive substance of tremendous force! The centripetal instinct of moral-social self-preservation is attracting, soldering elements of the personal life of each and every one of us: owing to this, the personal life of an average human being makes a system of sorts, a basic order not unlike nucleons making up a tightly-knit nucleus of the atom in the microworld. Yet, should a convincing and charming teaching lull to sleep the human fear of unleashing the instinct of absolute sexual freedom, an unparalleled moral catastrophe would ensue. Freeing up the centrifugal energy locked inside this instinct will trigger such a chain reaction, which would cause a tremendous social-psychological revolution comparable, in technocratic terms, to the release of nuclear energy.
I am afraid that what I am talking about will remain unintelligible to and be taken with hostility by many. Underestimation of the sexual sphere’s significance has become entrenched in our society. All the more, the thought of a danger lurking precisely in this sphere would seem too far-fetched. I can easily imagine the indignation of a well-meaning reader with such a prediction of mine, and how promptly it will be dismissed as a shallow fantasy coming from the muddied sexual sphere of the author himself rather than from that of humanity. Ah, would that it be true! There is no doubt that Duggur’s temptations remain, by and large, beyond the compass of the majority’s consciousness. The minority, albeit clueless of its transphysical source and afraid of admitting these temptations even to themselves, nonetheless, is dimly aware of them. It would be too naïve to expect people to allow such things out in the open. Only a miniscule number of people are well aware of those temptations and, unlike holding them deep inside, are ready to indulge in them at the earliest opportunity. Yet, the currently timid majority in this regard will come out swinging as soon as the more heavyweight authorities – scientific, social, and religio-political – have proclaimed the need for ultimate sexual freedom and everyone’s indispensable right to it, along with taking all measures to condone, pander to, and protect it.
Hundreds and thousands will lust for power. As for sexual freedom, it will also be lusted after by millions upon millions.
To be liberated from the manacles of the Good – this is going to be the mood of many by the end of the Golden Age: at first surreptitious, then increasingly blatant and outspoken. Humanity will grow tired of spiritual light. It will be emaciated from aspiring ever higher. It will get sick and tired of virtue. Peaceful social freedom, any kinds of freedom will cloy except in two spheres: sexuality and violence against others. The setting sun will be still lingering as a crimson glitter on mysterials and temples of the Sun of the World, on pantheons’ domes, and on shrines to the elementals with their ledged reservoirs and terraces. Yet, the blue-grey dusk of debauchery, the grey haze of boredom will have begun to envelope the lowlands. In this power vacuum, boredom and lust for dark passions will sweep across half of humanity. And it will long for an individual who will offer more than others and demand obedience in exchange for the unchecked freedom in one sphere – any form and kind of sensual pleasure.
The Rose of the World itself will consist not only of saints but also of people standing at varying levels of moral development. From the very onset, the tasks of the global church will have such tremendous outlines, they will be so encompassing and numerous that it would be unfeasible to limit the active membership of the Rose of the World only to morally impeccable and highly-principled ones. It goes without saying that the severity of the probation will still remain a mandatory step, yet it is far from being a panacea. As with any community of people, albeit grounded in the loftiest ideas, it is prone to being infiltrated with those carrying along the thirst for domineering, vanity, excessive attachment to comforts, intolerance, and roughness with others. A hazy egregor will be enveloping the Rose of the World, just as it did with the churches of the past. The deepened mystical awareness of its leaders will preclude this egregor from swelling up into a thick fume, thus from screening Arimoya. But its total elimination is impossible, of course. Therefore, it is only natural that even the Supreme Council will have some individuals in its ranks falling for the prince of darkness’ temptations, while its lower levels will see a significant rise of such individuals over time.
Under conditions of vast ideological freedom, first stealthily, then openly the religion of the left hand will gain momentum. It will grow as a poisonous flower out of the longing for a dark liberator from the Good’s manacles, and it will come down to worshiping Gagtungr as some sort of Prometheus, an eternal mutineer, a fighter for the “true” freedom of all. As for the aim of this quasi-religion, it is going to ready people for making obeisance to the coming anti-Logos.
Oh, humanity will have no shortage of warnings. Hadn’t the Gospel, even the Koran, even the Mahabharata warned about this long ago? Was there any lack of visionaries, as in the West, so in the East, refraining about the inevitable coming of the antichrist? All pontificates of the Rose of the World, from the time of the unification of religions down to the emergence of this monstrous creature in the historical arena, will be hurling their effort into those admonishments. Yet, given virtually unrestricted ideological and cultural freedom, they will wield no other weapon but words. Under the pressure from radical left circles of society, the remaining bans, howsoever restricting freedom of speech, those prohibiting the breaching of the norms of social decorum and profanity, will be ultimately lifted. Precisely this will open the floodgates to human hearts for the precursors of the great spawn of darkness.
There will be no lack of such precursors. Yet, the greatest of them is going to be the founder of such a cultural-historical and social-ethical doctrine which will focus attention on the following: despite having a great many freedoms, humanity would remain a slave to sexual restrictions, a slave to false shame, prejudices, and old-fashioned mores – the mores endorsed by the Rose of the World, so too by the entirety of the “outdated” social ways. It appears to me that the book by this thinker will be the very “Open Path”, about which Vladimir Solovyov said to have been penned by the antichrist himself. No: a brilliant, the most charming and wittiest of Frenchmen, this precursor will be an icon of his generation. Hardly will this bearer of a dark mission realize whom he serves and paves the way for. Despite all his intellectual genius, his mystical mind will be shut tight. So, when the long-awaited liberator appears, the French thinker will be so much astounded with his superhuman grandeur that he will exclaim gleefully and exultantly: “Here’s the one whom the world is waiting for, whom I have been talking about all along!” – Only much later, when the incomer has reached the fullness of his power and showed his true colors, his precursor will commit suicide. True, he will be a genius thinker. Yet, the one for whom he is going to blaze the trail, will view him just as an underling. The one, for whom the trail will be blazed, will see all ever-existing inhabitants of Enrof, save Jesus, as his underlings.
Will he be a human?
Yes and no.
As has already been said many times, from century to century, from life to life, layers of demonic materiality – the dark shelt, astral and etheric bodies – had been enveloping the monad of a Roman emperor that had been stolen by Gagtungr from Iroln itself. Precisely this demonic materiality, agga that is, rather than siara – the building material, of which all the inhabitants of Enrof and beings of the ascending range are weaved – make them up. In this book, we have already dwelt on his last incarnation in Russia and how the Providential forces frustrated Urparp’s schemes on turning him into a universal dark genius. Yet, intercepting the gifts of a dark genius from this being twice is impossible – now, Urparp has learned how to shield his ward from adversarial transphysical operations. He will not let it into Enrof until he has ensured it can make full use of all the gifts requisite for carrying out its historical mission of the antichrist. The genius giftedness of Stalin, when it comes to the tyrannizing and his ability to hypnotize the human will into subjugation, was just a fraction of the achievements that had been made in Gashsharva in working upon his being, something that was interrupted by the forces of the Light. After his death in Enrof and reinstatement in Gashsharva, this work was resumed and gained new momentum. Having undergone the last stages of the preparation in Digm, the unheard-of being will come close to its last, fateful birth in the epoch of the seventh or eighth pontificate.
It seems that the place of its birth will be a Latin American country; yet, the birth itself is promising to be totally out of the ordinary. Forced into assuming a human appearance in order to become its mother, Lilith, as willed by Urparp, will assume such an appearance without taking birth: she will need neither father, nor mother, nor childhood. Her appearance as a ripe woman will be a dark miracle. Obvious violations of nature’s laws, preternatural connections with dreadful otherworldly beings, wizardly stories and legends will surround her brief earthly life. Having conceived the physical body of the coming anti-Logos from the powers of Gagtungr himself rather than from human semen, she will soon disappear from Enrof, for her mission will have been accomplished. Although Lilith will make her appearance in humanity once again, her mission and her female human form will be altogether different then, and so too her appearance, albeit as mysterious as the previous one.
The physical body of the anti-Logos will be made of siara, just like all human bodies.